Pectus Treatment
Pectus Treatment
Dr. Lawrence Bodenstein is a general and thoracic pediatric surgeon with 25 years’ experience in the evaluation and management of pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum and other chest wall anomalies.

What To Expect


You're in great hands

All patients are evaluated by Dr. Bodenstein. If additional specialist consultation is required, he will assist in arranging for this.  All of our specialists – including cardiologists, pulmonologists, plastic surgeons, geneticists – have extensive experience with the evaluation and treatment of chest wall anomalies.

We work closely with a patient’s primary care physician, appropriate specialists and in particular the patient and patient’s family to devise a comprehensive care plan. Although chest wall anomalies may require surgery, this does not apply to all conditions or under all circumstances.  For example, pectus carinatum generally responds to bracing.  If surgery is necessary, minimally-invasive methods (such as the Nuss procedure) are used whenever appropriate. Dr. Bodenstein has extensive experience with both minimally-invasive and open surgical methods as well as non-surgical methods and can offer the approach most suitable for each individual patient.


We do not use a one-size-fits-all approach.

Given the complex medical and psychosocial issues, we recognize that patients’ and families’ goals are important factors in determining whether or not to treat and how to achieve the best result.